It was overthrown by a rebellion led by the White Rose, but neither she nor the rebel wizards were strong enough to kill the Dominator, the Lady or the Taken. With his wife, the Lady, whose magical skill is second only to that of the Dominator, he founded an empire unrivaled for evil. The most potent of his victims are called the Ten Who Were Taken, or just Taken for short. The Dominator is an extremely powerful wizard who has the ability to turn his most bitter enemies into his loyal servants, even those nearly his equal in magic. Lets lay some groundwork for how the story begins. Cook drags us into the trenches, night watches, missions, and supernatural events of the Black Company. The characters are real soldiers dealing with extraordinary problems in an unforgiving world”. It doesn’t glorify war it’s just people getting on with the job. When asked about the series’ popularity among soldiers, Cook replied: “The characters act like the guys actually behave. It has become something of a cult classic, especially among current and former members of the military. The series is described as a gritty fantasy series following an elite mercenary unit through several decades of its history. After spending time in the United States Navy, the ground work was laid for the birth of his legendary Black Company series published by Tor books. Glen Cook was born in New York City in 1944. There must be a way for the Black Company to find her… Until the prophesy: The White Rose has been reborn, somewhere, to embody good once more. The hardbitten men of the Black Company take their pay and do what they must, burying their doubts with their dead. Learn more about AAUW or the Used Book Sale by going to or on Facebook.Some feel the Lady, newly risen from centuries in thrall, stands between humankind and evil. They are offering a large variety of programs and fundraising activities. Roosevelt Road in Glen Ellyn.ĪAUW Wheaton-Glen Ellyn Branch NFP has been a part of your community since 1956 with a mission of supporting equity for women and girls. They are currently accepting book donations at Wheaton Sports Center, 1000 Prairie Ave., and Health Track, 875 E. Bags Saturday are half price to teachers. On Saturday we sell a bag of books for $10. The sale will feature fiction, including science fiction, mysteries, romance, classics and popular books nonfiction including biographies, politics, history, current events and architecture young adult books children's books and a Better Books section. This year, the event will be at Forest Glen Elementary School, 561 Elm St.