Shyamalan explained to me where his ending came from, as follows: But the big difference between source and screen is that Sandcastle doesn’t have the definitive explanation that the film does. Not to be outdone by films like The Sixth Sense or even The Village, Old has a finale that lays down a pretty sinister explanation for what happened to its impressive cast, and why. Night Shyamalan during our interview covering Old, it came time to discuss one of the often examined subjects of the filmmaker’s filmography: the ending.

And in the case of Old, the ending differs from the source in one gigantic way: it gives a concrete answer to why the Capa family, and the rest of the beachgoers, were on the beach in the first place. Of course, in the leap from the page to the screen, there’s bound to be changes in the name of making the story more cinematic. The writer/director’s latest film Old is one of those rare adaptations, as the film gets its concept from Frederik Peeters and Pierre Oscar Lévy’s graphic novel Sandcastle. Night Shyamalan adapts the work of another author to the screen.