1, while Part III, the twenty galley chapters, and unfinished chapters, are in Vol. In 1995, Knopf published two-volume edition (1,774 pages) in translation by Sophie Wilkins and Burton Pike. 3 - Into the Millennium (III) (The Criminals), and had xxxv+365, vii+454, xi+445 pages respectively.

1 - A Sort of Introduction, The Like of It Now Happens (I) Vol. (London: Secker & Warburg, 1953, 1954, 1960, first editions, 8vo New York: Coward-McCann, Inc., first US editions). was published in English first in 1953 in translation by Eithne Wilkins and Ernst Kaiser. In 1943 in Lausanne, Martha published a 462-page collection of material from literary remains including the 20 galley chapters withdrawn from Part III, as well as drafts of the final incomplete chapters and notes on the development and direction of the novel. From 1933 until death, Musil was working on Part III. 2 of 1933 while in printer's galley proofs. Part III did not include 20 chapters withdrawn from Vol. The 1,074-page Volume 1 (Part I: A Sort of Introduction, and Part II: The Like of It Now Happens) and 605-page Volume 2 (Part III: Into the Millennium (The Criminals)) were published in 19 respectively in Berlin. When he died in 1942, the novel was not completed. He started in 1921 and spent the rest of his life writing it.

Musil was working on his novel for more than twenty years.